Annual Show & Fete

P1040100 mixed garden flowers
2023 08 19 MM Dahlias Hort

Schedule of Classes for the 2024 Show

Please see below the classes for the 2024 show which is open to all. 

Entry Fee: £1 minimum entry fee to include 2 entries. 50p each additional class. 


Awards: 1st – £2.00, 2nd – £1.50, 3rd- £1.00

All exhibits to be staged before 11am prompt and not removed before 4.15pm on Show day.


The Show is open to the public from 2.30pm, 

Prize giving at 4pm and auction of produce at 4.30pm

Floral Section

  1. Sweet Peas, 6 spikes

  2. Chrysanthemums, 1 vase, 3 sprays any variety or varieties
  3. Dahlias, 3 medium, decorative, any variety or varieties
  4. Dahlias, 3 small and/or miniature, decorative.
  5. Dahlias, 3 small and/or miniature cactus and/or semi-cactus.
  6. Dahlias, 3 ball and/or small ball
  7. Dahlias, 3 medium cactus and/or semi-cactus
  8. Dahlias, 5 pompom
  9. Gladioli, 3 variety or varieties
  10. Roses, 3 any variety or varieties
  11. Rose, single any variety
  12. Fuchsias, 6 blooms displayed on a flat surface
  13. Mixed Garden Flowers, 1 vase any variety or varieties 
2023 08 19 MM Tomatoes
P1040108 arrangement in bake bean can
P1040103 chutney 2023
2023 08 19 - Class 40 hort

Fruit Section

14. Apples, 5 dessert

15. Apples, 5 culinary

16. Plums, 6 any variety

17. A dish of edible fruits or berries, one variety not included above

Vegetable Section

18. Potatoes, 3 any colour

19. Onions, 3 shown as grown

20. Squash

21. Carrots, 3

22. Lettuce, 1 with roots

23. Radish, 5 on a plate

24. Beans, runner 5

25. Beetroot, 3

26. Runners beans, longest

27. Parsnips, 3 shown as grown

28. Tomatoes, 5

29. Tomatoes, small  cherry  9

30. Courgettes, 3

31. Cucumber, 1 any size

32. Garlic, bulbs 3 shown as grown

33. Any vegetable, 3 of one variety not listed above

34. Ugly vegetable

35. Rhubarb, 3 sticks

36. 1 vegetable & 1 flower, any varieties

Floral Art

37. A mixed arrangement “on the seashore” 

Foliage and accessories may be used

space allowed not more than 18″/50cm overall 

38. Miniature arrangement.

 not exceeding 8″ or 20cm overall

Craft Section



maximum of two entries per exhibitor

39. Knitted or Crochet item 

40. Any hand made item made by the exhibitor

Household Classes

41. Jar of homemade Jam, an variety
42. Jar of homemade marmalade
43. Jar of homemade chutney
44. Jar of picked fruit or vegetables
45. Scones – 3 no. any variety
46. Fruit Cake
47. Vegan Flan 
Men & boys only
48. Sausage Rolls 3 no.

49. Homemade Flavoured Gin, any variety

50. Pot plant, 1 flowering

51. Pot plant, 1 foliage, cactus or succulent

52. Herbs and/or peppers, Hot or sweet, growing in a container

Photographic Section

Photograph not exceed 7″x 5″ / 18cm x 13cm – unmounted – digital camera allowed. No entry form required/ name/ tel No/ Category on the back of the photo.

Bring to the hall on Sat before 11am.
53. Daily Life in Leek Wootton
54. Wildlife in your Garden  

Children's classes - 14 yrs and under

Entry is free – please state child’s age on entry form

Awards: 1st – £1.00, 2nd – 75p, 3rd – 50p 

55. Animal made from Vegetable or Fruit

56. Chocolate Rice Crispie cakes 3 no. 

57. Make a kite no longer than A4 – Body, & 12″/30cm tail, to celebrate Harvest

58. Leaf Fan 

2023 08 19 MM cups
P1040152 prize giving - Copy

Awards & Special Prizes

The Jim Perkins Salver – awarded for the best exhibit in the Show.

Banksian Medal – awarded for the most points in

classes 1 -36.

The R.I Jones Award –  awarded for the most points in the Show.

The D.S Mitchell Cup – awarded for the most points in classes 1-13.

The Lady Waller Challenge Cup – awarded for the most points in classes 14-36.

The Elizabeth Bright Silver Challenge Cup – awarded for the most points in classes 37-52.

The T.K. Meredith Award – for the best exhibit in

classes 1-13.

The P.J. Wartnaby Award – for the best exhibit in

classes 14-36.

The Charles Nettleship Memorial Rose Bowl – for the best exhibit in classes 37-52.

The Children’s Cup – awarded for the best in the children’s 

classes 55-58.

The Don Ellwood Award – awarded for the best exhibit in 

classes 41 & 42.

Gillitt Salver – Awarded for the best exhibit in classes 10 & 11

Fred Wilson Awards – Best exhibit in classes 55-58 up to &

 including 8 yrs of age.

– Best Exhibit in classes 55 – 58 / 9-14 years of age.