about us
Message from our Chairman
The Leek Wootton Gardening Club has been in existence for around 150 years. It has been maintained as a vibrant Society by the many volunteers who have served the Committee in a variety of roles and capacities. In addition, the 16 Committee members are supported at functions by many who are able to devote some time to ensure those events run smoothly.
The Committee meets 5 or 6 times per year to plan and organise
The AGM in March
The Annual Outing in June
The Annual Show in August, which is the highlight of the year
Ad Hoc events which come to our attention from time to time
Any Society of our vintage only survives through its volunteers, in whatever capacity they feel able to provide support. The aim of this web site, which is a new venture for us, is to inform readers of our existence and to encourage support to ensure we continue to exist for many years to come.